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Theo Nogueira
Jul 16, 20198 min read
Audio Middleware: Why would I want it in my game?
A lot of indie developers wonder what is it, where does it come from and why do they need it as a part of their game? Lets understand it.

Theo Nogueira
Dec 3, 20182 min read
Sennheiser Ambeo Smart Review
SCORE: 90/100 In preparation for the VR Oslo Event, which will happen on December 6th, 2018, Sennheiser let me test their new Ambeo Smart...

Theo Nogueira
Jul 31, 20188 min read
Gullfiskteorien: How I took my approach to scoring my first VR Film & the creator’s thoughts behind
When I was approached by the Sound Designer and Creator of the new VR film “Gullfiskteorien” (The Goldfish Theory), Thomas Pape, I was...

Theo Nogueira
Oct 29, 20172 min read
From Linear to Adaptive - A Deeper look into Elias Studio 3 MIDI Capabilities
Introduction After writing my previous article about my transition to Adaptive Music and how I fell in Love with Elias Studio, I decided...
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